Defni Satria


Early childhood often experience head injuries, this is due to high curiosity but is not
supported by physical motor skills. Head injuries are the highest cause of death and paralysis in
children each year. More than 50 % of deaths are caused by head injuries and motorized accidents.
Every year, more than 2 million people suffer head injuries, 75.000 of them die and more than
100.000 people survive but have permanent disabilities. Head injury is a deformity in the form of
deviation of shape or line on the skull, acceleration or deceleration which is a change in shape
influenced by an increase in the acceleration, and rotation ie the movement of the head is also felt
by the brain as a result of rotation at the prevention level. It can be concluded that head injury is a
condition where the brain experiences a collision causing interference with its fuction. The cause of
head injury is divided into blunt trauma and trauma coup or contracoup. The level of awareness of
the child after suffering a head injury can be assessed with GCS. This examination assesses the
childꞌs ability to follow instructions or respond to a physical stimulus. To avoid the child from having
a head injury, parents and PAUD teachers must really create a safe and comfortable environment
for children both indoors and outdoors.


Cedera Kepala pada Anak Usia Dini

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/jpsbe.v8i2.7668


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