Daviq Chairilsyah


The culture of queuing or waiting turn is a simple behaviour that is sometimes forgotten by adults.
Behaviour in queuing or waiting their turn is strongly believed and implemented by people in many developed
countries such as America and Europe. However, in Indonesia there are still seen adults who deliberately
and do not want to queue or wait their turn for various reasons. In fact, it will trigger social conflicts in the
community. Therefore, inculcation of queuing culture needs to be taught and believed by individuals from an
early age, so that this queued behaviour can be well embedded and automatically becomes a behaviour that
will be displayed in everyday life. This paper is presented using the literature study method. Literature study
or what is known as literature review is a description of the theory, findings, and other research materials that
are used as a basis for research activities in preparing the framework of the problem formulation. In this
paper, we will describe the role of parents and teachers is specific and concrete in educating children to have
queuing behaviour in waiting their turn.


Teaching, Queuing, Early Childhood

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/jpsbe.v8i2.7665


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